Tuesday, 21 April 2015


This unit is talking about grammar, it is the main part of  communication and writting competence because it is the way how organize, change , combine words or groups of words to make meaning. I think as english teachers is essential to manage grammar its uses and forms  in order to use in the classroom with a variety of methodologies

Teaching grammar is a hard work where the teacher has to domain the content like the nine parts of speech and its function because he/she is in charged to guide to the learners in order to form grammatical structure that would be the main goal for them,to be able to form sentences applying all learned before. According to Laran Joseph says "Grammar is a very important thing to get right, and teachers should take extra care to impart proper grammar to all their students" so, I'm totally agree with that, because with the correct guide since the beginning, students won't get problems later  As a result of that they will convey or communicate  meaning developing accuracy through the time.

On the other hand, it is necessary that the teacher makes them practice exercises focus on form where students can differentiate use and form the second conditional as an example. On this way, with a correct routine of exercises you will fullfill student's achievements about grammar in EFL classes.

For a better understanding I have decided to include some picture about grammar and a video which give us advices how to learn grammar , also he mentions some issues about learning and teaching a language which I consider important to share with you.


(Joseph, L. (n.d.). How to Teach Grammar: What Methods Are Quickest and Easiest? Retrieved January 1, 2015.)


  1. I agree with point of view Andrea, teach grammar is a hard work but not impossible if we as future teachers find some strategies,ways,methods and games where they can learn easily at the same time in a funny way.

  2. Good Analysis Andreíta
    I consider that as a future teacher is important to put in practice the different strategies that we acquired during our learning process, the same thing occurs with the students, they acquire knowledge, then they can develop and improve to in an active way.In that reason Grammar involves a big process.
