Tuesday, 28 April 2015


From this unit I learnt reading is one of the four skills. It is a receptive skill which means we can be involve in the whole text and we receive a lot of knowledge at the moment we start reading. rather than producing it. Also reading involves understanding of connections, for example: Coherence means use our knowledge to see the connection between sentences. In contrast cohesion is when the grammatical links between the sentences help us see the connection between them.
Furthermore, Reading contains different reading skills, they are: 
Scanning Strategy (Reading for specific information)
Skimming Strategy (Reading for gist, or get a general idea through the text) 
Inferring (Used for readers to get the meaning from the text). 
I also learnt about the ways of reading which are Extensive Reading (It is reading for pleasure,as you read, your attention and interest vary) and Intensive Reading ( It involves reading for language study)

As we know reading in English is a necessary skill to implement it in classroom and also is diffiult  for some students try it in the second language using the correct techniques and encouraging them to understand complex knowledge.As Maryellen Weimer expalins in her book in chapter two  increasing the decisions of students can make assignments and activities engages them in the course and its content. Learner-Centered Teaching  Weimer, M. (n.d.). Learner-Centered Teaching
Then, that's the way how I want to apply reading in classroom, I want to make them self regulated students using motivation and increasing self- confidence, to give them option to use Extensive Reading in class. 

Below I leave you a useful video about how to develop a guided reading in class



1 comment:

  1. As future teachers, it is necessary to apply this activities to help students to develop their reading skills in each stage (pre- reading, while reading and post- reading). It make the reading easier for students and they do not get frustrated when they should face a test.
